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Strengthening Lives, Building Connections
The YMCA of Washington County plays a pivotal role in uplifting the community through its multifaceted programs and services. From adminstering the local Meals on Wheels, ensuring nutritious meals reach vulnerable seniors, to providing the empowering Rock Steady Boxing program for individuals battling Parkinson’s disease, the Y addresses critical health and social needs. Additionally, initiatives like Silver Sneakers and Renew Active foster active aging, promoting wellness and camaraderie among seniors.
Through collaboration with local partners, the YMCA enhances the overall well-being of Washington County residents. It nurtures a sense of belonging, offers a supportive environment, and fosters connections between diverse age groups. By striving to improve lives and empower individuals, the YMCA leaves a lasting positive impact on the community, promoting inclusivity and creating a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant Washington County for all to thrive.
Different community impact programs:
Meals on Wheels
This service is brought to you by the Washington Community YMCA, the Washington County Hospital and local area churches. The meals are prepared by the hospital and delivered by local church volunteers. The Meals on Wheels Program is for any individual of any age or income. Meals are designed for those persons who have had a recent hospital stay & who are recovering at home or just need a hot meal on a daily basis. Special and Restricted diets can be observed. The meals are delivered Monday through Friday in the Washington city limits only. If you live outside of the city limits individuals may order meals and pick them up at the Main Y. The cost of this meal is $3.50. Please call 319-653-2141 for more details.
Silver Sneakers
If your Medicare health plan, Medicare Supplement carrier or group retiree plan includes Silver Sneakers as part of your benefit package, you get all this at no extra cost:
- Fitness benefit including all basic amenities
- Access to more than 13,000 fitness locations nationwide
- Optional Silver Sneakers classes led by certified instructors
- Health education seminars and fun social events
Find out how you can take advantage of all that Silver Sneakers offers! Visit the website:
www.silversneakers.com or call 1-888-423-4632 today to find out if your health plan offers Silver Sneakers and how to get started.
Renew Active
Renew Active™ is a fitness program for body and mind that’s designed around you and your health goals – available with select UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plans. Visit myrenewactive.com.
Silver & Fit
The Silver & Fit program is offered by a variety of Medicare plans. With flexible options to support any healthy aging journey, you can exercise at a fitness center, join classes and events from home, and access personalized resources to enhance your well-being. Visit https://www.silverandfit.com/
Molina Healthcare
Sports Equipment Exchange Program
The Washington YMCA in collaboration with the Washington School District partner up to gather and then distribute sports equipment.
Contact Ryan Harris, rharris@washingtony.org for more information
Rock Steady Boxing Program
The YMCA of Washington County proudly provides Rock Steady Boxing classes for those diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The mission of Rock Steady is to empower people to fight back! Through this non-contact boxing class, those with Parkinson’s will work on balance and strength. This program is offered through a grant from Parkinson’s Foundation.
Kewash Trail Cleanup
Every Spring, volunteers and YMCA staff gather at the Kewash Trail to make sure it is cleaned up before the Kewash Run and all year round to keep it a beautiful place. Check back for more details!
Y’s Men’s Club
The Washington Y’s Men and Women Club is a community organization affiliated with the YMCA that meets regularly to support the programs and activities of the Washington County YMCA.
Here is some additional information about the club and its activities:
- **Meeting Schedule**: The club meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, from September through May. The meetings take place at 6:00 PM in the Y’s Men Room in the Community Room at the Washington Community Y.
- **Membership Invitation**: The club welcomes new members and encourages community involvement. They invite interested individuals to join their club and emphasize the importance of active participation and growth.
- **Contact Information**: For more information about the club or to inquire about joining, you can contact the YMCA at (319) 653-2141.
- **Purpose**: The primary purpose of the Y’s Men and Women Club is to provide financial aid and personal service to support the programs of the YMCA of Washington County. This includes areas such as youth development, leadership training, and community service.
- **Projects**: The club is actively involved in various community projects and initiatives, including:
- Operating a food booth at the County Fair.
- Participating in the spring cleanup at Lake Darling Youth Camp.
- Managing the concession stand for Washington Area Baseball.
- Undertaking work projects at the YMCA itself.
- Assisting with the Annual Partners with Youth Campaign.
- **Supporting**: In addition to their projects, the club provides support to various YMCA programs and initiatives, including:
- Y’s Men Spring Youth Soccer.
- Youth Membership Scholarships.
- Sponsoring Little League and Softball teams.
- Contributing to the Y’s Men Brotherhood Fund.
- Supporting Y staff continuing education.
- Contributing to Y equipment needs.
- Assisting the Y Swim Team.
- Supporting Lake Darling Youth Camp.
The Washington Y’s Men and Women Club plays a significant role in promoting community involvement and supporting the YMCA’s efforts to benefit the youth and the overall community in Washington County.